Coaching a talented designer @BITIHARAA

For my second mission in India, I had the opportunity to help Armenuhi in the development strategy of @BITIHARAA.

Talented designer of a silk dress, after two years of activity, she wished to raise funds to increase her production and to recruit new employees. Together we structured her global strategy : marketing, financially and organizationally.

A beautiful opportunity for me to translate my managements tools, to adapt my advice to the country's reality and to discover the India business regulations.

Descovery of a talented designer!

"BITIHARA is Anastasia Syomochkina and Armenui Papyan.  Most of our  adult life was dedicated to the medical help,  until almost 3 years ago we fell in love with natural silk fabric and started  designing clothes.
Our personal and spiritual surch brought us to India, where in Indian culture we found endless source of inspiration.
The diversity of natural silk fabrics produced here allowing to feel free in the creative process of designing clothes  with the most pleasant experience of wearing on the body.
BITIHARA is one of the 1000 names of Indian God Kali and can be translated as a "She, who is the fearless"
We believe we are making clothes for a women who are having their daily battle with their  biggest fears in order to  become the creators of their own life.
BITIHARA is an our journey of concouering our fears. Follow us.

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