Tous nos articles

First mission MSF : Destination YEMEN

First mission MSF : Destination YEMEN

First mission of 3 months as HR manager for the coordination of Sana'a

Proud to be a member of MSF International POOL

Proud to be a member of MSF International POOL

After passing all the selection tests, I joined the MSF international pool as HR manager.

Organisation d'évènements

Organisation d'évènements

Du teambulding à l'organisation de journée thématique, CIMAGIL vous accompagne de la rédaction du cahier des charges à l'animation le jour J. Techniques et méthodes d'animation stimulant la coopération et l'intelligence collective.

HR LEAD replacement assignment - Heineken / GBNC

HR LEAD replacement assignment - Heineken / GBNC

NEW CALEDONIA - Manager de transition - Mission de 5 mois en tant que HR project manager Interim manager mission - 5 months of HR lead remplacement

Coaching a talented designer @BITIHARAA

Coaching a talented designer @BITIHARAA

INDIA - For my second mission in India, I had the opportunity to help Armenuhi in the development strategy of @BITIHARAA. Talented designer of a silk dress, after two years of activity, she wished to raise funds to increase her production and to recruit new employees. Together we structured her global strategy : marketing, financially and organizationally. A beautiful opportunity for me to translate my managements tools, to adapt my advice to the country's reality and to discover the India business regulations. => Descovery of a talented designer!

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